Hello! I am

Dr Tiffany Trieu

I am a family medicine physician trained in Functional Medicine which means I use a functional approach to investigate the root-cause of your symptoms and address them so that you can restore balance to your body and live your life with energy at the best of your abilities.

Through a membership-tier model, I can provide care for my patients like I would for a family member and partner with them through their new health journey for transformation.

Partnering with me

I use functional medicine to approach patient’s health struggles.

I address your comprehensive wellbeing with your specific desired focus and the story of your journey.  We work on reversing aging, auto-immune disease, cardio-vascular health, depression-anxiety, not feeling your best, diabetes, pre-diabetes, digestive/gut function, food sensitivity and allergies, hormonal imbalances, reproductive health, sleep health, migraines, headaches, nutrition deficiencies, skin health, stress, weight optimization and all that is needed to reset your own healing power. 


“To find health should be the object of the doctor.  Any one can find disease.”

A.T. Still, DO

Not feeling your best?

You are usually full of energy, loving your work and being very productive, but maybe recently, you have not been quite at your best of your abilities.  You may have pre-diabetes, or a bit of high cholesterol, or even a new diagnosis of auto-immune disease, and you have been told you are all fine and everything on your labs looked good, or there is nothing to do.  But deep inside you, you want to do more, you want to feel your best and you are ready to take on your own new health journey so you can be yourself again and regain vitality, energy and a clear mind.

I’d Love to Help

Ready to start Your new Health Journey?

Is it normal to feel sleeping after lunch or a big meal?

Yes, but not really. Eating is the way we get our energy fuel to go on with our day. Getting the right nutrition is one way to feel more energetic after a meal and being more productive during the day.  Avoiding the Sumo-diet, eat and sleep pattern is a must to keep your insulin and therefore, your weight at bay.




Ever wonder why you are eating right and exercising but can't seem to shake off the weight?

You are eating organic food as much as possible and exercise once or twice a week, but it seems like you are the same weight.  If you drift from your routine, you gain weight easily.  Your labs maybe be looking ok at your doctor’s office, so what can be wrong?  Let’s see if we can find the root-cause and get to the bottom of this so you can feel balance and love your weight again.

Just diagnosed with an autoimmune condition, and would like to find ways to decrease inflammation naturally?

Biologics and immuno-suppressants will calm down your activated immune system and make you feel better.  You are told you will likely be on them “long term,” but you are not so pleased reading about the side effects.  Some people with time will go on more medications to keep the inflammation down, while others may go spontaneously on remission.  It is because genes load the gun, but environment pulls the trigger.  You did not just “get” RA or lupus or Hashimoto’s, somehow, the gene you had was turned on.  And no, your body is not out of wack.

What is the best kind of diet for you?

You heard about Plant-based diet, Ketogenic diet, low carb diet, intermittent fasting, time restricted eating, vegan diet, paleo-diet, mediteranean diet, anti-inflammatory diet, carnivore diet, mito diet and SAD diet.  You even tried them or are on one of these.  It is not working or when you stop, it is like you never ever did the hardwork of being on diet.  Food for medicine should not be a diet mindset, it is an opportunity to discover and reconnect with your body’s own need.

Reversing aging to gain freedom in your seniority

Have you ever heard of someone having a chronological age of 60 but a biological age of 30? With the advancement of modern medicine, people are living longer often to reach 100’s years of life.  The way each individual will reach this amazing milestone will depend on each individual’s health goals.  Some will be 100 year old needing a wheel chair to get around, or even being hospital bed bound, while others will have the freedom to carry their groceries and drive around, getting in and out of their car unassisted.  What are your health goals?  Whatever they are, we can help you get to them by starting to work on them now.

Atypical Children? Change the child or change the environment?

Change the environment.  Society has set the non-typical children to fail.  From the fast paced-life to the fast-food way of eating, the children are required to be calm and listen so that they can follow our directions.  But what if they can’t find the calm after the sugar load, the restful sleep after the blue light stimulation? Change the environment, change the diet, set them up for success, love them and believe in them and in their body ability to balance itself.

Why is quality sleep so important?

If sleep is so important why are we all sleep-deprived and rewarded for being so?  Sleep seems like a waste of time, and the FOMO is there to remind us Netflix’s biggest competitor is sleep.  We are not only in a pandemic of Covid, but also a pandemic of stress, along with an epidemic of obesity and sleep deprivation.  It is not a surprise that the lack of sleep, stress and obesity are linked.  You read this correctly, the lack of sleep will make you gain weight or unable to loose weight.  But, if your body is at its optimal function, you will need less sleep providing you get quality sleep.

Remember that it is YOUR health journey

We will walk with you and guide you to your goals of freedom, productivity, vitality, creativity and well-being.  Our focus will be on progress over perfection, as we all have been there.  For some it is a quick journey to their specific end-goal, but for most, it is a satisfying long journey during which the patient will find peace of mind throughout our guidance and partnership.






Functional Medicine

A functional medicine approach helps understand the multiple root causes of symptoms and addresses several aspects of lifestyle to optimize body health function including physical, mental and environmental factors.

Women's Health

Routine preventative care, pre-natal counseling, holistic fertility approach, post-natal self-care, breastfeeding medicine, weight loss, thyroid disease, hormone replacement therapy, women’s nutrition.

Pediatric Care

Routine well child visit for 5 year old and above, sick visit for all ages, nutrition counseling, holistic pediatric care and inclusive of the whole family approach to health and wellbeing of the child or adolescent.

Osteopathic Medicine

Osteopathic manipulation uses the physician’s hands to help the musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction in order to help and facilitate the body readjust itself. 

Patients seek out Dr. Trieu for her extensive knowledge of both conventional and functional medicine. Learn what to expect with our approach and get the answers you need to finally feel better.

This is where your doctor will guide you to the best supplements, healthiest foods, non-toxic household products and more. Get exclusive access to vetted and trusted brands here.  The brands we use ourselves too.

Why work with Dr. Trieu? Learn more about her medical training, personal journey to wellbeing, philosophy, and passionate approach to individualized functional medicine care.




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